Sell more with less

Purchase Order Management made easy.

Shelf Planner simplifies how merchandisers place orders their products.

Unlike an expensive bolt-on software system that promises better orders, we use intelligent forecasting to produce results. 

Get live order proposals and recommendations for all your products.
Manage incoming stock directly in the app
built for merchants, by merchants

Know exactly what to buy and when.

By pulling real-time and historical data from your ecommerce platform and tech stack into our customer data platform, Shelf Planner helps you understand your customers’ demand better. 

Shelf Planner supercharges your business:

Find your integrations

Here's how it works...

Artificial intelligence,
human interpretation.

Shelf Planner provides you with your own personal buyer’s assistant, saving you valuable time, but more importantly – improve your business as a whole. 

What your customers buy is not always what you had in mind. Shelf Planner helps you to understand shifts in demand so you know how much to buy and when.

Order proposals for all your products

Shelf Planner provides you with your own personal buyer’s assistant, saving you valuable time, but more importantly – improve your business as a whole. 

Get live order proposals for all your products and never run out of stock on top sellers again.

Data driven

The power of your sales history amplified by real-time transactions and events.

AI powered forecasts

Sales forecasts updated in realtime to capture trends and shifts in demand. 

Time saving

Save valuable time and money and make smarter and faster decisions.


Avoid expensive stock-out situations with real time order proposals. 

the platform

Why our customers choose Shelf Planner

Shelf Planner provides you with your own personal buyer’s assistant, saving you valuable time, but more importantly – improve your business as a whole. 


less manual task


less excess stock

Simplifying complexity

The power of your sales history amplified by real-time transactions and events. Any data source that adds signal to the forecast can be ingested into Shelf Planner.

AI-powered forecasting

Leave big data crunching to the computers. Our advanced machine learning models accurately anticipate seasonality and trends — and they’re constantly getting smarter.

Business rule configuration

See the health of all of your products and SKU’s with out detailed reports.

No more stock-outs

Avoid expensive stock-out situations with real time order proposals. 

Frequently asked questions

Yes! We offer a full-featured 14-days free trial.

You can download the plugin directly from the WordPress marketplace, install and set up your store in a few simple steps.

We use live store data to create a sales forecast for all your products and locations.

Based on other trends such as seasonality, trends and external data we then generate order proposals that help you to make smarter and faster decisions. 

Yes – once you create a purchase order, you can either create a PDF for the order, or export a csv file containing all the order information.

We have a full order process build into the app where you can follow the entire process from ordering to receiving goods.

Stock is automatically updated both in our app and in your platform. 

You can change the order status to:


  • On Order
  • Received
  • Delayed
  • Cancelled
After completion of the order, the stock is automatically updated.

If you don’t want to use the built in purchase order management we can import purchase orders from your erp system or other source. 

You can check our current integrations to see if we can connect automatically, or if we need to develop a new integration.